Part 1 Seven Characteristics of tourism coaches markets in January to May 2010
1. Market share of tourism coaches increased as coaches markets, and its growth pace is bigger than coaches. Its share of total sales increased a little. And the statistics is as followings: Sales of buses in the first five months were 74,779 units, including 53,268 intercity buses, 51,876 coaches and 1,392 sleeper buses, and 37,054 buses for intercity and city-countryside transport and 14,822 tourism buses, and the radio between the last two was 2.5:1. Sales increased 58.72% from Jan. to May this year due to better national economy after National Ⅱ to national Ⅲ standards transfer, there were 47,114 buses sold, including 31,590 intercity buses, 30,674 coaches, 916 sleeper buses, 8,763 tourism buses.
Table 1 Comparison sales of tourism buses from Jan to May 2009 and 2010 (Unit: vehicle)
Sales of intercity coaches
Sales of tourist coaches
Market share of tourist coaches
Jan-May 2010
Jan-May 2009

Figure 1 Comparison sales of tourism buses from Jan to May 2009 and 2010
It can be seen from above that:
1. Tourism coach markets grow as coach markets develops, and 6,059 tourism coaches were sold, up 69.14%, 0.52% higher than growth of coaches markets, and 10.42% higher than growth of China bus industry.
2. Sales of tourism buses were 19.82% of all bus sales, 1.22% higher than the figure, 18.60%, in the first five months.
2. In terms of seat, 30-35 seat and 45-49 seat tourism coaches are more popular, and the markets shares were 67.1%, nearly 2.2% higher over last year. And market share for 30-35-seats were higher and 45-49-seat lower. According to survey to customers, big tourism group are about 47 persons and small tourism group include 33 persons, so the corresponding tourism coaches are 10-11-meter, 11-12-meter, 8-9-meter and 7-8-meter.
Table 2 Comparison of 30-35-seat and 45-47-seat tourism bus sales (Unit: Vehicle)
Sales of tourist buses
Jan-May 2009
Jan-May 2009

Figure 2 Comparison of 30-35-seat and 45-47-seat tourism bus sales (Unit: Vehicle)
It can be seen from above that:
1. 14,822 tourism buses were sold from January to May this year, including 5,025 30-35-seat buses and 4,921 45-49-seat, totally 9,946 buses, taking 67.1% of sales of tourism buses. 33.9% were 30-35-seat buses and 33.2% were 45-49-seat buses.
2. Sales of 30-35-seat and 45-49-seat buses in the first five months were about 2% higher among sales of tourism buses this year over 2009, showing that there are more and more such lengths tourism buses.
3. Sales of 30-35-seat buses took 33.9% of tourism buses sales, 5.8% higher than last year; sales of 45-49-seat were 33.2% of tourism buses, 3.6% lower than last year, showing that there was on more large tourism buses in the first five months. There were more passengers in the favorable economic environments, but charter bus operators are still worry about rate of return and no load ratio for large buses, all these factors lead to sales decrease of large buses. However, sales of medium and large tourism buses must be higher this year.