Summarize:According to the latest statistics released by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), China produced 1,426 units fuel cell vehicles and sold 1,337 units such vehicles from January to November this year, up by 398.6% and 375.8% respectively. In the same period, 851 units fuel cell buses & coaches were put into operation, up by 370% year on year. The fast growing momentum of the fuel cell vehicle industry, especially the fuel cell bus industry, can be mainly attributed to a host of favorable policies launched by Chinese governments at various levels.
Since early 2018, a total number of 176 fuel cell vehicles have won the permit for production, including 125 new fuel cell bus models.

Statistics show that 29 bus makers have won the permit for producing fuel cell buses. Zhongtong boasts the highest number of fuel cell buses available with the number of fuel cell bus models reaching 17. Foshan Feichi, ranks the second place with 13 fuel cell bus models. Yutong takes the third position with 12 fuel cell bus models.
From January to November, Shanghai put 302 units fuel cell buses on its road, ranking the first place among all cities in China with the number accounting for 35.49% of the total number of such vehicles newly put in operation in China. Foshan ranks the second place in China by putting 115 units fuel cell buses in operation, accounting for 13.51% of the total number of newly operating fuel cell buses in China. Zhangjiakou and Nanyang followed with the number of their fuel cell buses in operation this year reaching 100 units and 72 units respectively. Beijing and Jiaxing stand at the fifth place and both cities put 50 units fuel cell buses in operation this year.
It is also shown that the sales volume of fuel cell buses in the first quarter this year accounted for 52.06% of the total sales from January to November. The third quarter, in sharp contrast, only contributed 5.52% of the total sales of fuel cell buses from January to November this year.
It is worth noting that the number of fuel cell buses put into operation in the first eleven months this year only accounted for 0.35% of the total number of new energy buses (electric buses, plug-in hybrid buses and fuel cell buses) newly put into operation this year.
From January to November, the sales volume of fuel cell buses took up 1.26% of the total new energy bus sales, up by 0.833 percentage point compared that in the same period last year.