
Journalist: Hello, Mr. Xu Liankuan, what are your feelings of the development of China bus
Mr. Xu Liankuan: We must admit that China bus industry has kept same pace with international. We participated in Busworld Asia Exhibition each year, and made progress each year. Nowadays, We even exceeded the overseas in the field of appearance design. That means China bus has become irreplaceable in the world.
Journalist: What are Zonda's new thoughts in the area of Technology, manufacture and sales?
Mr. Xu Liankuan: In 2008, we give first priority to international market, overseas sales will occupy 70% while domestic sales is about to occupy 30%. With the increasingly requirements from overseas clients, Zonda has determined to realise scalization. Firstly is the CKD, second is the whole bus export. We are optimistic about the future.
Journalist: Zonda is an explorer representing new type enterprise.
Mr. Xu Liankuan: In fact, If you want to be remembered by this industry, you ought to make
something new. That's why Zonda choose to present outside a new image. Moreover, To
accelerate internationalization is our main task in 2008. We should have a long-term insight in the marketing sales. Now it should be said that what these main entrepreneurs have done are relatively rational.
Journalist: You can organize these entrepreneurs to further discuss it.
Mr. Xu Liankuan: You suggestion is good, We can invited ten enterprises and some high-level person to discuss it.
Journalist: Thank you for accepting the interview from Chinabuses.com.