KING LONG Longway: The most beautiful Coach in Beijing Street
Due to the 2008 Olympic Games, people from both domestic and abroad are flocking to China's capital Beijing. The Olympic atmosphere is rising with the pass of the Olympics.

Nowadays, walking on the Beijing street, people often see many colorful-decorated coaches running on the road, and they all have the Olympic logo. The first impression remindes you that these coaches are providing Olympic service for both athletes and enterprises.
Most of the commutators from Olympic sponsors and partners have chosen bus or coach as their transport vehicle. China's KING LONG provided the most of the commutator coaches to the Olympic Games and the type Longwei XMQ6129Y are the most popular coach model.

"The appearance of the coach is flawless, especially that "K"-shape design." a passenger told to reporter.
On the road, KING LONG Longwei XMQ6129Y is eye-catching and attractive. Early in 2007, Longwei XMQ6129Y had been awarded as "2007 Coach of the year" by BAAV in Shanghai Coach Week.
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