Youngman Tram Export Kazakhstan Sequentially
Recently, Kazakhstan's tram company bought 20 the 12 meters trams from Youngman Automotive Group which have caught the train to Kazakhstan. Shortly after that, the Youngman buses will travel in the streets of Kazakhstan.” It is the first cars which Kazakhstan bought from Youngman, after followed by 180 orders of the trams. Youngman bus has gotten a head start in the Central Asian emerging markets with the virtue of good quality.” According to the Ministry of Commerce manager of overseas Youngman bus LAI-bin said.

LAI-bin said that after Kazakhstan tram company Beket R.kosetov saw Youngman trams in Beijing during the Olympic Games, they were interested in these "Olympic buses", they came to Beijing Public Transport Corporation to grasp the use of these buses and asked them to help contact with Youngman Automotive Group.
After visiting the Youngman Automotive Group, the tram company immediately decided to order 200 Youngman trams, the first batch of 20 orders. Beket R.kosetov mentioned, they had previously inspected a number of Chinese bus manufacturers, in Beijing after seeing "Youngman" tram, they believe the quality of the buses certainly is good because of serving the Olympic Games. The evaluation of Beijing Public Transport Corporation to "Youngman" is also very high. Jinhua has just known,"Youngman" bus has exported to many countries, so they had orders to "Youngman".

"Kazakhstan is extremely critical on all types of automotive grade and quality. These export to Kazakh trams, Kazakhstan not only calls on to change the direct current into alternating current motor drive, but also to reform oil pipes and automotive floor rubber,Youngman bus also made technical improvements to the buses base on the road conditions in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan's vehicle reception staff are very satisfied with these buses. LAI-bin told reporters,” in Kazakhstan a large number of buses are the production during the former Soviet union and imported from the Germany second-hand buses. With the economic development of Kazakhstan they begin to purchase a large number of foreign buses. After has a correct understanding of China's economy, Kazakh State bus companies are willing to order more buses from China's bus companies.”
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