Bonluck Sweeps Two BAAV New Energy Prizes
Summarize:Apr. 7, 2009: at this year’s award ceremony of Busworld Asia, the two most coveted awards are both related to new energy. Bonluck Bus, its second appearance at the exhibition, successfully swept ...
Apr. 7, 2009: at this year’s award ceremony of Busworld Asia, the two most coveted awards are both related to new energy. Bonluck Bus, its second appearance at the exhibition, successfully swept the two awards, namely 2009 BAAV New Energy Bus Award and 2009 BAAV New Energy Coach Award by rolling out its JXK6120 pure electric bus and JXK6830 pure electric coach. Thus, it became one of the biggest winners at the award ceremony.

Among its competitors are a number of domestic well-established bus & coach builders which brought their own new energy bus & coach with very unique features. To everybody’s surprise, Bonluck finally stood out and beat all other competitive rivals.
While evaluating the noise level of Bonluck’s JXK6120 bus, an expert from the bus jury is quoted as saying “perfect” to express his appreciation of the new bus model.
At the award ceremony, some experts came to some officials from Bonluck to offer their congratulations and expressed their willingness to introduce the new bus model to the European market.

The coach jury take a closer look at Bonluck Coach
Since 2005, Bonluck has made heavy investments in R&D of new energy technologies and has been progressing in this field steadily. Currently, it has already obtained ADR certificate for hybrid vehicles from Australia and is China’s sole coach manufacturer that exports hybrid coaches & buses to the developed countries.
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