Standards for School Buses in the Making
2009-06-05 on Jun. 1, 2009, jointly organized by China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATRC) and Lifelong Education Committee affiliated to Chinese Society of Educational Deve ... on Jun. 1, 2009, jointly organized by China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATRC) and Lifelong Education Committee affiliated to Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy (CSEDS), a nationwide campaign under the theme of “Traffic Safety for School Children” officially kicked off in Yuming Elementary School in Xicheng District, Beijing. According to the organizers, the campaign is aimed at promoting awareness of traffic safety among school children and creating a safer traffic environment for them.

Students Listen Attentively to the Traffic Police
In recent years, CATRC conducted an extensive research on the safety of school children riding buses. To date, it has made some substantial achievements. Its Safety Standards for School Buses, is now waiting for the approval of National Standard Commission.
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