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Choose Lithium or Nickel?

2009-11-09    Source:www.chinabuses.org

www.chinabuses.org: Recently, some auto experts believe that hybrid battery technology—nickel metal hydride—is best suited for conventional hybrids because of more durability, stability and safety. Some automakers will pack nickel metal hydride battery into the hybrid vehicle in the next year to instead of the lithium battery. Some researchers are doubtful the durability of lithium battery. In terms of reliability, some questions still exist. Hence, lithium battery is not the necessarily best suited for mass-produced vehicles.

However, some automakers see lithium batteries as the next step because they are smaller, lighter, and can produce more power and store more energy. Currently, many automakers already produced plug-in autos with lithium batteries.

How is the future about these two kinds of batteries? Market will give related answers.


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