Hengtong LNG Buses Will Launch in Zhuhai.
2009-11-26 Source:www.chinabuses.org
www.chinabuses.org Clean energy buses will gradually become popular due to the issuing of a series of good policy, the formal publication of “Adjustment & Prosperity Plan for Auto Industry "and the starting of the project of "A Thousand Vehicles in Ten Cities” proposed by the Nation. There is a big increasing on sales volume for Hengtong regarded as the gas buses expert in 2009 with the leading manufacturing technology of gas buses. Recently, Hen tong 10-meter LNG buses are chosen and ordered in Zhuhai and used to serve for the test of the LNG clean energy buses there, after the batch purchase of LNG buses by Guiyang Public Transport through careful comparison.

National 863 Plan----Hengtong LNG Postposition Bus
Different from the preposition LNG buses operated in Guiyang and Xinjiang, all the LNG buses ordered by Zhuhai apply postposition engines, which increases comfort and also make new challenge to the development capability of the buses manufacturer.
As the gas buses expert, Hengtong has started to search and develop LNG buses in the early 1990s and was the earliest bus manufacturer to produce LNG buses with leading level of the rationality of the gas cylinder layout, the safety of the gas system, reliability of the performance of the whole body, meanwhile, the various type of LNG buses take the active role in the promotion of our clean energy buses. In 2006, Hengtong undertook the task of producing 50 LNG buses and obtained success in the demonstration project of 863 Plan of the Science and Technology Association during the period of the "Tenth Five-year" in Changsha. Recently, Hengtong strengthened the development capability of LNG buses and undertook development project of the big environmental buses of National 863 Plan by the Science and Technology for the "Eleventh Five-year". Currently, Hengtong is actively preparing the basis especially for this project and possibly will establish liquefied natural gas plant and refueling stations, then promote the development of the related industry of our LNG buses.
It is introduced that the engine assembly of this group of buses will be compact, the comfort and the convenience of repair will be shown better, especially the human centered of the interior layout with flat plate and highest utilization ratio rate of size of the body to increase the capacity. These buses will be delivered to Zhuhai on January 1st in the next year, and mark the formal beginning of the demonstration project of LNG buses in Zhuhai.
Tang Qiandong, the executive deputy GM of Hengtong Buses showed," The delivery of this group of buses will establish the basis for the Green City and the Asian Games through purchasing LNG buses in batch quantity in Zhuhai. With the continuous improvement of the LNG industry chain, the clean energy buses will be possibly applied and pervaded in Zhuhai and more cities in our country."
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