JMC Transit Highlighted in the Year-end Check
2009-12-21 : Different from the smooth market of cars, the light bus industry experienced the small decline of 2%. The traditional leading light bus manufacturers showed different in the year-end check.
Jinbei, the leading manufacturer was not so outstanding. With the policy of "Car to the Countryside", Jinbei increasingly entered the market of towns and villages, in the meantime, obtained the market shares of the Japanese light bus manufacturers in the first half of year.
However, the performance of Jinbei is not so good in the last half in 2009. It even reduced a bit in terms of the better condition of the market. The sales of the 6th generation of Haishi is hard to be improved, but the position of Jinbei can't be changed in the low-end area of 8.7 thousand—11.7 thousand USD.

Transit can be regarded as the biggest winner with the excellent achievements of both Classic Transit and New Transit, as the leader in the high-end area market.
With the better situation of economy, the sales of Transit increased a lot since the July with 3 months with monthly sales of over 3000 units. The customers' orders were continuous.
New Transit increased 101% year-on-year from January to November and this model with the prize of the "07 Best Commercial Vehicle in Europe" was finally proved in the Chinese market.
Particularly, the impressed luxury model of New Transit improved the brand image of Transit with the comfortable space and luxury commercial equipments.

Compared with the success of Transit, the performance and the sales of Iveco was not so satisfactory in the logistic areas in the big cities with the biggest sales. The desired objective of 99.9 thousand of Kangjia logistic vehicles failed to be realized in 2009 and the traditional products such as buses and performance-tuning cars were under heavier pressure of the competitive brand.
It is possibly dangerous for Iveco to create the system of the upstream supply chain when the competitors strived to extend the sales network into the markets of 2 and 3 levels.

In 2010, the style of the three leading light bus manufacturers will continue. The result of competition will be clearer with the developed market and integrated brand. Desalination, high level and security will still be the direction of our light bus market in the future.
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