Hugrarian Bus Makes Establish Business Cluster
2010-04-23 Nineteen Hungarian bus makers and component suppliers have established the Hungarian Bus Makers Cluster, government commissioner in charge of a programme supporting the bus-making industry Istvan Forian said recently at a press conference.

Ikarus bus
The aim of the cluster is to promote cooperation among Hungarian companies in the industry, increasing their chances amidst fierce international competition, Mr Forian said. The founders of the cluster are Alfa Busz Projekt, Auto Rad Controlle, Auto Univerzal, I-Cell, IK Femtechnika, IK Jarmutechnika, Ikarus Bus, Jaszi-Autokut, Kti Kozlekedestudomanyi Intezet Nonprofit, Liberatus Hungary, Magyar Autobuszgyarto, Nor-Service, Omnex, Oroshazaglas, Raba Jarmu, Silex, Trezor-Liktor, Tuv Nord and Vill-Cad.
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