Sunlong Bus Devotes into Welfare Activities
Summarize:On 1 June, the "Donation of Corporations to Students in Minhang District" activity was grandly held in Qizhi School.It is known that Qizhi School was founded in Minhang District in 1993, which is a special school for mentally retarded students with IQ below 55 for nine-year compulsory education. There are 14 classes, 117 students and 45 teachers in the school. The school makes effort to establish professional training mode for mentally retarded students and carry on the early education of mentally retarded or heavily disabled students. In order to meet the transport requirements for these kids, Sunlong Bus donates one Coast bus for Qizhi School. On 1 June, the "Donation of Corporations to Students in Minhang District" activity was grandly held in Qizhi School. The deputy district head of Minhang district, the leaders from Education Bureau, Xinzhuang Industry Zone, Jiangnan Tourism Corporation, Chen Dacheng, the chairman of Shanghai Sunlong Bus Bus Co.,Ltd.,Zhang Jiayu, the general manager of Shanghai Sunlong Bus Co.,Ltd. and over 200 teachers, students of Qizhi School and journalists attended it.

Chen Dacheng, the chairman of Shanghai Sunlong Bus Co., Ltd. makes donation to Qizhi School

Photos for Leaders and Students

Zhang Jiayu, the general manager of Shanghai Sunlong Bus Co.,Ltd visited World Expo with students
It is known that Qizhi School was founded in Minhang District in 1993, which is a special school for mentally retarded students with IQ below 55 for nine-year compulsory education. There are 14 classes, 117 students and 45 teachers in the school. The school makes effort to establish professional training mode for mentally retarded students and carry on the early education of mentally retarded or heavily disabled students. In order to meet the transport requirements for these kids, Sunlong Bus donates one Coast bus for Qizhi School.
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