25 XQ6103YH2 Buses Delivered to Qingdao
2010-06-08 Source:www.chinabuses.org
Summarize:Delivery ceremony of 25 FAW XQ6103YH2 buses to Qingdao customers was held on May 25, and Jiang Jun, general manager of FAW Bus branch, sent the keys to customers.
www.chinabuses.org: Delivery ceremony of 25 FAW XQ6103YH2 buses to Qingdao customers was held on May 25, and Jiang Jun, general manager of FAW Bus branch, sent the keys to customers.

FAW XQ6103YH2 Bus
FAW bus signed a purchasing order for 25 XQ6103YH2 with Qingdao Vehicle Company on April 28. FAW Bus Company (Wuxi) made every efforts on technical preparations, production plants and investment to make sure on-time delivery of the buses.
XQ6103YH2 is a rather mature tourism bus manufactured by FAW Bus with market maintenance about 1,000 units, and the bus has served SCO Summit Meeting in Kyrghyzstan. As whole vehicle production and exportation base for FAW Bus, FAW Bus Company is exploring overseas markets as development in domestic markets. And they have sold nearly 1,000 buses to more than twenty countries and regions in recent years.
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