Fifty-one Huanghai Hybrid City Buses to Run in Nanchang
2010-07-16 Recently Huanghai Bus won new energy bus bid and signed fifty-one new energy hybrid city buses in Nanchang.

Huanghai DD6118HES21 parallel hybrid bus
As one of the demonstration city of “Ten City, Thousand vehicles” energy-saving and new energy vehicle, Nanchang has done a lot to promote energy-saving and emission reduction. There will be 10,000 new energy vehicles running in Nanchang till 2012. And they made demonstration running of new energy vehicles in 2009, and Huanghai Bus is one of them.
It is learned that Huanghai Bus provided a DD6118HES21 parallel hybrid bus to Nanchang Public Transport Company in August 2009 to run for two months, together with five other buses from five bus builders capable of producing new energy vehicles.
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