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China Possibly Levies Carbon Tax around 2012

2010-08-02    Source:www.chinabuses.org
Summarize:Many experts agreed with the South Africa government for this action. In midmonth of May, China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Ministry of Finance have completed the specific report of "China's framework design and regime of carbon tax" through surveying for related topics. The research group showed that the proper time for implementation of carbon tax was around 2012. As one of the main units for carbon emission, automobile also is involved in the object of taxation. It is appropriate to adopt flat tax rate because the carbon emission volume is the taxation base. And the industries and companies with energy-saving as well as environment-friendly should receive the subsidies from the carbon tax.

www.chinabuses.org: According to South Africa "Economic Daily" that South Africa government will levy the carbon tax since 1 September for the newly launched cars and light commercial vehicles, which makes the country, become the first one to collect carbon tax in the world. It is known that the government aims to make influence on the structure of the newly increase vehicles and promote more environmental as well as energy-saving vehicles in South Africa.



Many experts agreed with the South Africa government for this action. In midmonth of May, China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Ministry of Finance have completed the specific report of "China's framework design and regime of carbon tax" through surveying for related topics. The research group showed that the proper time for implementation of carbon tax was around 2012. As one of the main units for carbon emission, automobile also is involved in the object of taxation. It is appropriate to adopt flat tax rate because the carbon emission volume is the taxation base. And the industries and companies with energy-saving as well as environment-friendly should receive the subsidies from the carbon tax.



The opponents believe that it will be more reasonable to control carbon emission through vehicle fuel tax. For example, two guys who own the same new cars have to pay the same taxes, although the driving distance is different.



Some experts showed that the government should lead carbon emission-reducing and reasonably use taxation lever taxation lever. Based on the experience, the western countries levies environment tax rather than pollution one. The environment protection also can be realized through China's current vehicles taxes such as value-added tax, consumption tax consumption tax, purchase tax, fuel duty and vehicle and vessel tax. In America, the people who purchase energy-saving vehicles are entitled to tax reduction or exemption. In Denmark, the government sets high threshold for automobile consumption during the process of purchasing and application.



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