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3600 Wheelchair Accessible Buses Run in Beijing

2010-08-19    Source:www.chinabuses.org
Summarize:It is revealed by Beijing Transport Administration Commission that Beijing is the city where there are the most wheelchair accessible vehicles (3600 units) in China.

www.chinabuses.org: It is revealed by Beijing Transport Administration Commission that Beijing is the city where there are the most wheelchair accessible vehicles (3600 units) in China.



It is introduced that 34 special wheelchair accessible bus routes were opened during the period of Beijing Olympic Games with application of 750 buses. 600 wheelchair accessible  buses ran in 16 bus routes during the period of Paralympic Games. 10 wheelchair accessible bus routes have been made conventional bus ones, which own big amount of passenger transportamount of passenger transport and complies with the actual requirements. At present, 3600 wheelchair accessible buses have been applied.



It is known that zoo transportation hub is the first wheelchair accessible one in China and there is at least one access for the passengers in wheelchair and two for visually handicapped passengers. The wheelchair accessible refomation have been completed in 70 stations in subway No.1, No.2. No.13 and Batong Line and related construction in five new lines such No.5 and No.10, referring to elevators, hoistable platformhoistable platform or vehicles easy to climbing stairs in 143 accesses in 123 stations, sidewalk for the blind in 337 accesses and relevant change in connection between access and city roads.


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