Four China Bus Builders Attends IAA Commercial Vehicles 2010
Summarize:Recently, it is known from the host of IAA Commercial Vehicles 2010 in Hanover that the exhibition will be held from 23 to 30 September and four China bus builders (Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd.; Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd.; Youngman Automobile Group Co., Ltd.; Zonda Bus) will attend it. Recently, it is known from the host of IAA Commercial Vehicles 2010 in Hanover that the exhibition will be held from 23 to 30 September and four China bus builders (Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd.; Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd.; Youngman Automobile Group Co., Ltd.; Zonda Bus) will attend it.

It is known that this is the first large-sized participation of China commercial vehicles producers for the international automobile exhibition after the financial crisis due to the economic recovery of Europe and requirements of opening overseas market, according to related analysis. Yuntong Bus and Youngman Bus both join the exhibition for the first time.
Wang Xiang from overseas market department of Yutong Bus said that Europe market would be one of the great breakthrough for Yutong Bus in 2010. The technology improvement of 20 thousand buses will be implemented through self-financing and bank loan and the production capacity is going to extend to 50,000 units. It is an important means to enhance sales through exporting. Wu Xiaoguang, the market manager showed that Yutong paid attention to overseas market and it was expected that 4000 units would be realized for exporting in this year. It sold 16,983 buses (large buses: 6939 units; medium: 8075 units; light buses: 1969 units), year-on-year growth of 49% in the first half year of this year.
One manager from Zonda Bus said that the sales objective of this company was 3000 units in 2010, the overseas sales accounting for 40% of the total, year-on-year growth of 20%. Youngman Bus will exhibit one luxury bus and one low floor city bus, which have been delivered to Europe.
It is know from King Long Bus that as of the end of this August, the accumulated sales of exported buses has come to 4096 units, year-on-year growth of 155%, exceeding to the whole sales of 2009.
According to the lookout report of global commercial vehicle industry by Alix Partners, it is predicted that the production capacity of new medium and heavy trucks (above 6-ton) will be about 1.8 million units and 439 thousand units from China, accounting for 24%. China has been the biggest commercial vehicle producer in the world.
The Bi-Annual IAA is the best technology platform, the international commercial vehicles, famous bus builders, special vehicles builders and spare parts providers will participate into it.
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