King Long Bus Sponsors Xiamen Int'l Marathon Games again
Summarize:Chen Zhiqiang, the executive deputy general manager of Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd. attended the news release and signed agreement of intent. He showed that it was the ninth times for King Long Bus to sponsor the games and witnessed the growing from regional competition to international one. According to the news release from organizing committee, on 2 January, 2011, Xiamen International Marathon will start from International Exhibition, which is themed by "Love Marathon" and attract 80,000 players. The organizing committee signed agreement of intent with many sponsors including King Long Bus.

Chen Zhiqiang, the executive deputy general manager of King Long Bus signs agreement of intent.
Chen Zhiqiang, the executive deputy general manager of Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd. attended the news release and signed agreement of intent. He showed that it was the ninth times for King Long Bus to sponsor the games and witnessed the growing from regional competition to international one.
Xiamen International Marathon was created in 2003 and has become one of the most influential and world-known marathon competitions in China. As the leading industry company in Xiamen, King Long Bus walks on independently creative way with consistence spirits toward international stage. Its innovation complies with the spirit of marathon “self-challenge, beyond the limits, persistency and never giving up”, which also promotes the cooperation between the games and King Long Bus. Mr. Chen said that marathon was the both golden competition in Xiamen and exercise activities for the general public. On the one hand, King Long Bus was able to improve brand popularity as well as reputation through the games and on the other hand, it contributed to the public welfare establishments and nationwide fitness campaign.
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