Golden Dragon has won a bid of 60 units LNG city buses in Xiaoshan
2011-01-28 the public transportation means, city buses provide the convenience for the people, but at the same time, the problem of emission pollution and the energy shortage can not be neglected.
Hangzhou government has called on “energy-saving, emission reduce and environment protection” , and the first LNG gas station has been established in Xiaoshan area, other supporting facilities, such as LNG gas station, office building, station will be built correspondingly. As the only large state-owned public transportation company in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou Xiaoshan Public Transportation Company (Short for XSPT) has committed to emission reduce.

Xiaoshan LNG city bus
In December 2010, 40 units Golden Dragon XML 6125JHEV28C low entrance, oil and electric hybrid city buses have been put into operation, the advantages of comfort and energy-saving have got the recognition of citizens. In order to make further application of energy-saving and improve the civil travel environment, XSPT has invested 57 million and invited public bidding for 100 units LNG city buses. Golden Dragon has won the bid of 60 units XML6105J13CN LNG city buses, among them the first batch of 20 units have arrived in Xiaoshan, they are supposed to be put into operation in January. We believe that with those LNG city buses putting into operation, the stress of emission reduce of XSPT will be relieved.
Li Shouren, the engineer of Golden Dragon techniques center told journalist, there are only two kinds of arrangement of LNG city bus, one is putting air bottle on the chassis, the other is putting the air bottle above the engine compartment, the second arrangement is safer and will not affect the space usage inside the bus. The independent air bottle compartment is more convenient for repair and maintenance, and those XML6105J13CN LNG city bus adopted the second arrangement.
The concerned person of Golden Dragon in Xiaoshan said, those 60 units XML6105J13CN LNG city buses are developed according to the market requirement of public transportation. This model is fashionable, also enjoys ease and clear exterior appearance. It is equipped with the mature Golden Dragon chassis, the lightened weight design of the completed vehicle, easy operation and driving stability have relieved the stress of drivers, at the same time all these advantages provide warm and safe environment for the passengers.
High quality products and best service of Xiamen Golden Dragon Bus Company, together with XSPT, will get “two-wins” effects on the brand promotion, and provide a safe, convenient, comfortable transport environment for the passengers.
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