Zonda: New-energy City Buses to Reach 200 thousand Units within 5 Years
2011-10-11 Source:www.chinabuses.org:
Summarize:The 10th Nanjing International Auto-Expo ended on October 4th, 2011. Industrial condition of new-energy vehicles of Jiangsu Province was fully shown in Nanjing Auto-Expo and Jiangsu New-energy Auto-Expo and president of Zonda Group XU, Liankuan introduced the development of Zonda buses in new-energy field.
www.chinabuses.org: The 10th Nanjing International Auto-Expo ended on October 4th, 2011. Industrial condition of new-energy vehicles of Jiangsu Province was fully shown in Nanjing Auto-Expo and Jiangsu New-energy Auto-Expo and president of Zonda Group XU, Liankuan introduced the development of Zonda buses in new-energy field.

President of Zonda Group XU, Liankuan
XU, Liankuan talked about his own understanding of new-energy vehicle industry and he thought new-energy buses for public transportation and new-energy vehicles for private use should be developed separately.
He thought China had made a great progress in developing charging stations for electric vehicles considering current primary phase, but it would take 3-5 years to complete the arrangement of charging stakes for private cars while industry chain of new-energy buses was comparatively mature.
XU mentioned the cost advantage of new-energy buses, 1/6 of traditional diesel buses. Besides, high-emission problem would be solved thanks to the “pollution-free and zero-emission” of pure-electric buses.
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