King Long Bus Attends ANGVA 2011 with Two Models
Summarize:On 18th October 2011, the 4th Biennial Asia Pacific Natural Gas Vehicles Association International Conference & Exhibition (ANGVA 2011) was held in Beijing, China, which is themed by “natural gas vehicles power clearer future”, and there are more than 500 delegates and 300 exhibitors from over 30 countries and regions attending this exhibition. On 18th October 2011, the 4th Biennial Asia Pacific Natural Gas Vehicles Association International Conference & Exhibition (ANGVA 2011) was held in Beijing, China, which is themed by “natural gas vehicles power clearer future”, and there are more than 500 delegates and 300 exhibitors from over 30 countries and regions attending this exhibition.
On the exhibition, Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd. (King Long) cooperated with Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Group Co.,Ltd. (Yuchai) to show products together. King Long takes two exquisites natural gas buses: XMQ6850G2 and XMQ6100G1 and Yuchai displays four engine models with good performance. Chen Zhiqiang, executive vice president of King Long was invited to participate into the starting ceremony of ANGVA 2011 and made active discussion with Mr. Lee Giok Seng, executive director of ANGVA and related experts.
Mr. Chen Zhiqiang (the second on the right), Mr. Lee Giok Seng (middle) and President Zhao Hang of organizing committee of ANGVA 2011(the second on the left)
XMQ6850G2 is strictly made according to the operation feature of urban transport, with good combination of economy and environment protection, equipped with Yuchai LNG engine (Euro V), with full consideration of the universality of parts and various market demands. XMQ6100G1 is CNG city bus launched by King Long in 2008, outfitted with Cummins gas engine, Allison automatic transmissions (Euro Ⅳ) and seven gas tanks available for the driving range of 400 kilometers.

King Long Bus Attends ANGVA 2011 with Tw
Since 2001, King Long has started the development and the manufacturing of clean energy buses and coaches, rich experienced in the core technologies of producing and assembly of the products and completed reliable components supply system. This bus builder has successfully passed through the qualification of the installing of gas tanks in automobiles and launched dozens of gas buses (LNG, LPG or CNG) such as XMQ6119G, XMQ6106G, XMQ6105G, XMQ6120C, XMQ6113G, XMQ6118G, XMQ6125G, XMQ6890G and XMQ6900. Each year, King Long Bus averagely produces more than 500 gas buses and its gas buses have been in scores of domestic cities in operation, such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Hainan, Tangshan, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Urumqi, Xi’an, Hangzhou and exported to the Philippines, Thailand, India, Peru and Chile.
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