Golden Dragon Buses Delivered to Yichang Pengcheng Transport Company
Summarize:On March 13, 2012, Delivery Ceremony of Golden Dragon bus to Yichang Pengcheng Transport Company was held in Golden Dragon Haicang plant. The leader of transportation management of Yichang Gezhouba ZHAO, Ping, President of Pengcheng transportation company WANG,Zongbao and Vice President CHEN, Haidan together with the sales manager of Golden Dragon attended the ceremony. March 13, 2012, Delivery Ceremony of Golden Dragon bus to Yichang Pengcheng Transport Company was held in Golden Dragon Haicang plant. The leader of transportation management of Yichang Gezhouba ZHAO, Ping, President of Pengcheng transportation company WANG,Zongbao and Vice President CHEN, Haidan together with the sales manager of Golden Dragon attended the ceremony.

It is well-known, there are more than 180 units buses in Pengcheng transportation company, among which Golden Dragon buses account more than 50%. Pengcheng transportation company specializes in passenger transportation, tourist and public transportation. Since 2005, Pengcheng Transportation Company has established the cooperation relationship with Golden Dragon.

This time, there are 2 XML6127 and 13 XML6807 buses. The XML6807 buses will be put in the market of passenger and tourist transportation. Beautiful appearance, good performance, safety and reliability, as well as the cathode electrophoresis treatment of Golden Dragon buses have got the satisfaction from the customers.
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