King Long Launches "Intelligent Drive Control System"
Summarize:On April 7th, 2012, King Long held the news conference for its "Intelligent Drive Control System" in International Conference Hotel of Nanjing, witnessed by industry experts, reporters and customers. April 7th, 2012, King Long held the news conference for its "Intelligent Drive Control System" in International Conference Hotel of Nanjing, witnessed by industry experts, reporters and customers.

President of China Highway & Transportation Society Bus Branch ZOU, Huxiao, Director of Tsinghua University Department of Automotive Engineering LI, Keqiang, General Manager of King Long Company GUO, Renxiang, Deputy General Manager YANG, Guojun and over 300 customers attended the meeting.

In face of skyrocketing oil price, King Long launched its self-made "Intelligent Drive Control System" based on the Telematics technology. The new system could reduce 10% of oil consumption for the customers through dynamic adjustment of power parameters, meeting the requirement of customers for lowering operation cost and playing an important role in energy-saving and emission production of China's transportation industry.

Doctor CHEN, Xiaobing from King Long New Technology R&D Department said King Long performed many comparison tests in Fujian, Jiangsu and Shanxi, etc. and data showed that max oil-saving rate reached 10%.
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