The newest Golden Dragon hybrid bus popular in China
Summarize:New energy vehicles are generally viewed as a new source of economic growth for China. In April, State Council routine conference has passed through the release of the "Energy-Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2011-2020)". New energy vehicles are generally viewed as a new source of economic growth for China. In April, State Council routine conference has passed through the release of the "Energy-Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2011-2020)".
According to incomplete statistics, last year, there were 8,515 units of new energy buses in China, among them, the hybrid buses of Golden Dragon were 1,010 units, which is in the top one. It owes to Golden Dragon Bus' prospective market research and technical advantages.

The hybrid bus of Golden Dragon is driving on the road
After nearly 10 years of unremitting efforts, Golden Dragon now has already developed the fourth generation of hybrid bus. The hybrid buses that carry GHS system have successively drove in Hangzhou City, Kunming City, Tianjin City, Wuxi City, Xiamen City and other cities.
In 2012, Xiamen Golden Dragon plans to sell about 400 units of new energy buses. All sales models are hybrid buses, and the main promotion model is the fourth generation of plug-in hybrid buses. Compared with the conventional hybrid, the fourth generation of Golden Dragon plug-in hybrid bus has the driving ability by pure electric. The pure electric trip range could be more than 30 km.

The product marks the Golden Dragon Bus is currently the first bus builder in China that has its own core technology of the hybrid buses. At present, the hybrid bus of Golden Dragon is widely recognized by the China market as one of most mature new energy vehicles with mass production. In the two fuel-efficient contests, with nearly 30% of the fuel-efficient performance, Golden Dragon hybrid buses won the champions twice. And now, it has succeeded enter into Finland market.
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