King Long Wins LNG School Bus Bid from Zhongshan City
Summarize:On July 12th, the LNG school bus bidding meeting was finished in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. The total quantity of the bid are 80 units of LNG school buses. King Long Bus finally secured the order of delivering 60 units of XMQ6100ASD LNG school buses to Zhongshan City and became the biggest winner. On July 12th, the LNG school bus bidding meeting was finished in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. The total quantity of the bid are 80 units of LNG school buses. King Long Bus finally secured the order of delivering 60 units of XMQ6100ASD LNG school buses to Zhongshan City and became the biggest winner.

King Long XMQ6100ASD LNG school buses
Last November, Zhongshan City checked all the operating school buses and there were more than 100 units of school buses that didn't qualified the standard of the school bus' requirement. Now, there are more than 1,000 units of school buses into use in Zhongshan City. It plans to put the new purchased LNG school buses into use in September, which will be the first city in China put the LNG school buses into use.
King Long XMQ6100ASD LNG school bus is a new school bus type that firstly was launched in this year, which is 10 meters long "Big Nose" school bus. The school bus adopts 3H High strength body frame and also equips with front and rear anticollision beam, TOPVIEW, Land Departure Warning System and "Wisdom school bus operation management system" so as to make sure the safety of the drivers and students.
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