Golden Dragon Buses Used in Changsha Huanghua Airport
Summarize:At the beginning of 2013, you can see passengers queuing up for buses in front of Changsha Huanghua Airport. At the beginning of 2013, you can see passengers queuing up for buses in front of Changsha Huanghua Airport.

These buses are from Xiamen Golden Dragon. The person in charge of Airport Bus Operation Department Mr. Wang told the reporter: "People love taking Golden Dragon buses. From 2006 to nowadays, Golden Dragon buses are used for 80% of the transportation."
Manager of Golden Dragon After-sales Service Department Zhao Weifu said: "airport buses are different from other city buses. Any breakdown or safety problems on the highway would bring about great troubles and losses." That is why the airport intends to choose Golden Dragon buses to transport the passengers.
All Golden Dragon bus drivers response that Golden Dragon buses are comfortable and maneuverable. A/C system is humanized and onboard network system guarantees the safety of passengers and property.
It's said airport bus operation profits in 2012 increased to CNY 20 million from less than CNY 5 million in 2006. Mr.Wang said Golden Dragon buses made great contributions to the profits.
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