King Long Launches "King Wings" Telematics Platform
Summarize:In Beijing Zhongguancun Beta Cafe on May 21st, King Long launched "King Wings" telematics platform, in which each application reflects the combination of modern science and bus technology. In Beijing Zhongguancun Beta Cafe on May 21st, King Long launched "King Wings" telematics platform, in which each application reflects the combination of modern science and bus technology.

The form of the press conference gave off a sense of deja vu, as Steve Jobs released apple products. It's the atmosphere that King Long created for the profound understanding of "King Wings" platform.

Doctor Chen Xiaobing said: "King Wings is an open platform, rather than a technology or product. Its infinite expansibility decides the auto upgrade of the platform at any time. Leading safety and energy-efficiency technologies like front collision waring system, LDWS, automatic speed-limit control system and ECO-driving, etc. King Long developed these years have been integrated in this platform. The company will make more applications for the improvement of King Wings."

"King Wings" platform, beyond the traditional functions of telematics products, is made to solve the problems facing the bus operators. It offers the customized solutions to different customers in different fields based on the analysis of operation data.
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