Brazil Launches an Anti-dumping Investigation into Multinational Imported Tires
2013-06-26 Source:
Summarize:It is learned that on account of growth rate of Brazilian tire output less than automobile output, ANIP recently applied an anti-dumping investigation into multinational imported tires. is learned that on account of growth rate of Brazilian tire output less than automobile output, ANIP recently applied an anti-dumping investigation into multinational imported tires.
According to report released at the end of May by ANIP, Brazilian tire output of the first 4 months of 2013 only rises 4% year on year. However, year-on-year automobile output rises 17%. ANIP owed this to the expanding scale of tire impot.
ANIP recently applied to MDIC and its SECEX for an anti-dumping investigation into imported tires from South Korea, Thailand, South Africa, Russia, Taiwan and Japan, which has already began at the tenth of this month leaving 40 days for related manufacturers, export and import merchants to response.
Alberto Mayer, chairman of ANIP, announced that many imported tires in Brazil were illegal without approval of Inmetro and wasted tire proceeding fee that domestic tires should pay.
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