Zhongtong Sells over 800 Hybrid Buses in the First Half Year
2013-07-04 Source:www.chinabuses.org
Summarize:"Up till now, Zhongtong in the first half of 2013 sells more than 800 hybrid buses, equaling to the sales volume of last year,” said by Li Dusheng, head of Brand Department of Zhongtong.
www.chinabuses.org: "Up till now, Zhongtong in the first half of 2013 sells more than 800 hybrid buses, equaling to the sales volume of last year,” said by Li Dusheng, head of Brand Department of Zhongtong.

Li Dusheng, head of Brand Department of Zhongtong
Why the sales grow so fast? How is Zhongtong’s hybrid market in the second half year?
Seizing favorable policies Gas-electric hybrid to be future mainstream product
In order to popularize hybrid buses in China, at the end of last year, MIIT, MOF, MOST and NDRC jointly issued a notice regarding providing subsidies for 3000 to 5000 hybrid buses.
Favored by this policy, the promotion of 5000 hybrid buses is finished in quite a few months. At the end of May, the policy is cancelled when everyone is predicting the promotion effect.
As one of the earliest enterprises in new-energy bus field, Zhongtong gets a considerable profit. “Driven by the national policy, Zhongtong this year mainly sells new-energy buses. We sell more than 800 hybrid buses this year, equaling to the whole year’s sales volume in 2012.”

Zhongtong Hybrid Buses in Jinan
Furthermore, according to Li Dusheng, among 800 buses, 400 are gas-electric hybrid buses. “Seeing the current market, gas-electric hybrid buses are gradually surpassing oil-electric ones. The economic efficiency of NG buses has been recognized by customers. Plus the hybrid power, more gas could be saved. So it could win more recognition.”
Launching the first coaxial gas-electric hybrid buses
To meet the urgent demand for gas-electric hybrid buses in the market, in April, Zhongtong launches the first electric coaxial parallel hybrid buses. “We sell 400 such hybrid buses in the first half year,” Li Dusheng says.
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