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AMT Transmission of Qijiang Auto Gear Factory: Positively Seize Market Shares

2013-07-12    Source: www.chinabuses.org
Summarize:Equipping automatic transmission in passenger cars is already very common. However, owing to the use of mechanical transmission in most of buses and heavy-duty trucks, drivers are under huge pressure of driving the vehicle. Fortunately, this kind of situation is expected to be changed in the following days. At present, it is learned from Qijiang Auto Gear Factory that its independent AMT transmission (automatic mechanical transmission) is to be promoted in Chongqing within this year.

 www.chinabuses.org:Equipping automatic transmission in passenger cars is already very common. However, owing to the use of mechanical transmission in most of buses and heavy-duty trucks, drivers are under huge pressure of driving the vehicle. Fortunately, this kind of situation is expected to be changed in the following days. At present, it is learned from Qijiang Auto Gear Factory that its independent AMT transmission (automatic mechanical transmission) is to be promoted in Chongqing within this year.

Qijiang Gear Transmission Entitled Famous Brands of Three

From January to June of 2013, Qijiang Gear Transmission manufactured over 1,000 transmissions of various kinds, by which its output value rate was 73.7%.

Speaking of domestic influence of Qijing Gear Transmission, the following series of data can show its significance. Currently, 85% of domestic luxury buses (ten meters or above) are equipped with Qijiang transmissions. This figure of large and medium buses (seven meters or above) is 51.1%, which means that there are at least 5 buses equipping Qijiang transmissions out of ten buses.

QGT related officials also said that Qijiang transmissions seized certain market shares of part of Southeast Asia as well as EU. Therefore, QGT earned its own brand image by getting entitled as “No.1 Brand of China Bus Transmission”, “National Military Vechile Standard Equipment”, and “First Choice of Exporting Buses and Trucks”.

Ten-year R&D of AMT transmission

It is because of its wide market shares, QGT owns a good basis of development. Thus, emerging new products are solidifying its position of the industry step by step.

It is learned from QGT that in recent two year, new products in R&D are over 70, which is the same number of previous ten years. In 2010, output value rate of new products of QGT is 66%, which rises to 79% in 2012.

The thing workers of QGT are most proud of is the AMT transmission with ten-year independent R&D, which is technically close to foreign technology of the similar products, breaks foreign monopoly and fills the gaps pf domestic bus transmission. Furthermore, since the Spring Festival of 2013, AMT transmission has already begun its pilot running. It is expected to be promoted in Chongqing market within the year of 2013.

Compared with conventional buses, bus with AMT transmission is of no shift lever or clutch pedal. It can achieve automatic gear shifting, which is the same as automatic-shift passenger car. As a result, fatigue driving of drivers can be greatly relieved and fuel consumption can be save 3%. At present, in foreign market, almost 40% of buses are equipped AMT transmissions, which lower to 10% back in China. Compared with foreign similar products, AMT transmission made in Chongqing is cheaper nearly a half. On account of its strong competitiveness, QGT takes a positive attitude of its development prospect. Some related official said, “We endeavor to raise our market shares in China to 50% and annual sales volume to 100,000 in five years.”

Invest 1.5 billion yuan to increase capacity

Supported by multiple new products including AMT transmission, QGT then made a expanding plan. Apart from increase capacity to annual 200,000 bus transmissions on the present basis, this increasing plan also includes truck transmissions.

The total investment of the whole capacity planning is 1.5 billion yuan, which is divided into two different phases. The first phase is to invest 0.9 billion yuan into upgrading of heavy-duty vehicle transmission and R&D center, which has already begun at the beginning of 2013 and is to put into operation in June of 2014. The second phase will be completed in 2015, by which output ration of AMT transmission will take up a third. And the total capacity of the new base will be 400,000.

It is learned that according to ten-year development plan, by 2020, transmission sales volume will be 600,000 and the goal of 10 billion sales avenue will be achieved.


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