King Long: National Bus XMQ6115Y to Launch
2013-10-09 Source:
Summarize:Since May 13th of 2013, new standard JT325-2013 has been into effect. The major adjustment of the standard is to make it clear that the seats are limited to 49+1+1 in the large bus. Through analyzing the new standard, we can see the guiding principal of comfort and safety of passengers as for the large bus. Since May 13th of 2013, new standard JT325-2013 has been into effect. The major adjustment of the standard is to make it clear that the seats are limited to 49+1+1 in the large bus. Through analyzing the new standard, we can see the guiding principal of comfort and safety of passengers as for the large bus. Based on the standard, lots of enterprises understand that to launch what kind of bus is suitable catering for the dual standards of market and policy.
Definition of large bus platform—2,550mm width + full load
Bus industry is indeed a very typical market of policy. Let’s take the prior Road Passenger Transport Enterprise Grade Evaluation as an example. It motivated the upgrading of bus market and products. Owing to the following Operational Bus Type & Grade Evaluation, the standard of how products enter the market is clearly subdivided.
As the accumulation and implementation of the recent 10-year rapid development of China bus industry, the effective combination of insight into market and adherence to standard pushes the China bus to enter the international market. With the wisdom of the whole generation, it is where the core of parallel development of policy and market. Multiple upgrading really stands out of this development.

King Long launches XMQ6115Y at the large bus platform
Through analyzing of standard JT325, we can clearly see that Ministry of Transport did modification of the standard of large bus based on obvious decision and disposition of technical upgrading and market demanding of bus. Taking the JT325-2013 standard as an example, the seats are limited to 49+1+1 in the large bus. The modification of the size and distance of seats shows the guiding principal of comfort and safety of passengers as for the large bus.
Furthermore, GB7258-2012 standard launched from Sep. 1st of 2012 clearly pointed out that bodywork of road bus over 11m, travel bus and all sleeper coaches should be of full-load one-piece frame structure, which acts as a further standard for passenger safety on the large bus.
In the prior GB1589-2004 standard (i.e. Road Vehicle Overall Size, Axle Load and Weight Limits), there is specified limitation of large bus overall size. According to the standard, the width of bus below 11m is limited to less than 2,500mm and the width of bus over 11m is 2,550mm. The extra 50mm undoubtedly makes the interior layout of large bus more reasonable and the comfort of passengers more optimized.

Interior layout of King Long XMQ6115Y more reasonable and comfortable
Large bus is where the basis and spirit of the whole bus product technological development. Through national technical requirements and delineation of large bus platform, the combination of future policy and market can be seen clearly. The standard of Full load + 2,550mm width is the optimization with responsibility and standard definition. Due to this requirement mentioned above, more reliable connotation is in the choice of product with seats of 49+1+1 on the large bus platform.
Large bus optimization with new grade standard
As for the choice of configuration of traditional large bus, 12m bus keeps the mainstream product of the market. It is mainly because the original JT325 standard is the grade evaluation combining the specific power and seat space of vehicle. Therefore, on condition that the interior space and vehicle power match, the number of seats is not the key to limit bus grade.
However, according to the new JT325-2013 standard, seat limitation of 49+1+1 of high-grade bus begins to get more and more bus customers informed of the concept of seat cost. Thus, a lot of bus enterprises attempted to response from the beginning of 2013.
Currently, domestic major bus enterprises find two different ways to resolve. One is taking the one-and-a-half layer bus below 11m as the representative. The key of this kind product is to take the most advantage of sitting area above driver’s head by lowering bus driving area to meet the number of 49+1+1. What’s more, chassis power of 10.5m would satisfy the demanding of vehicle power and economical performance. Another way is to limit the body within 11-12m. Taking the large bus platform of Full load + 2,550mm width is to take the use of seat space on its own. On condition that the seat number requirement is satisfied, chassis power of 11.5m would be taken to realize the adaptability to the market.
Based on the provided concepts of products, the fundamental difference of these two ways lays on the choice of large bus platform to achieve the extension of bus performance. Bus below 11m avoids the body structure of full load on the standard and is limited less than 2,500mm for its width.
Apart from what mentioned above, some performance of these two products shows the huge difference. For an instance, let’s talk about the height. One-and-a-half layer bus launched on the market is mostly over 3,750mm high. As for the distribution of center of gravity, it is usually higher than the traditional single-layer bus below 3,700mm high. The higher center of gravity makes the difference in the rollover performance and increases the drag coefficient. Thus, fuel economical performance of these two buses is completely different. As it turns out, fuel consumption of one-and-a-half layer bus is more 3L per 100km than traditional bus. In addition, from the layout of wheel base, bus over 11m can provide more than 5,500mm wheel base, which not only increases the stability of the bus but also makes it easier for the layout of luggage space.

Luggage compartment of XMQ6115 is more reasonable and its space utilization rate is higher
The advantage and disadvantage of this platform eventually decide its market space. And the large bus optimization of new grade standard is the more reasonable choice for bus customers without any doubts.
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