The First Pure Electric Urban Bus Made by Jinhua Youngman Into Operation
Summarize:With no petrol fumes, no black and dark off-tail or engine noises, the first pure electric urban bus made by Jinhua city was offline officially on Nov. 20th of 2013, which is going into operation as K12 Route. It is the first pure electric new power urban bus in the whole Zhejiang province. With no petrol fumes, no black and dark off-tail or engine noises, the first pure electric urban bus made by Jinhua city was offline officially on Nov. 20th of 2013, which is going into operation as K12 Route. It is the first pure electric new power urban bus in the whole Zhejiang province.

The first pure electric new power urban bus is completely developed by Youngman Group, dimension of which is 12m*2.5m. Equipped with the new-generation super battery content, electromotor and digital vehicular electrical control system, it is of good durability, security and comfort with no pollution or emission. It is an important result gained through development of new-energy automobile industry in Jinhua city.
Finish battery charging rapidly in 5—10 min
Apart from super low chassis and fashionable super large window, this bus owns its own European streamline body filled with modern feeling. On Nov. 13th, our reporter came to Youngman plant to witness this wonderful pure electric urban bus.
The biggest bottleneck restricting development of electric vehicle is battery. Technological engineer in Youngman Automobile told us that this bus adopted new-generation super content battery, which could finish charging in only 5 to 10 minutes instead 6 to 8 hours of common aluminum battery.
Responsible engineer in market department of Youngman Group said, “What matters is that new battery belongs to physical properties of transformation in charging process and owns higher security and longer service life compared with common aluminum battery in chemical transformation.” What’s more, service lives of new power battery and vehicle are the same, which allows 100,000 times of charging-discharging battery. The battery could be used for consecutive 8 to 10 years without any secondary pollution.
During trial driving, our reporter felt quiet interior atmosphere and stable start-up. Engineer of this project said, “Compared with common public bus, this bus is of stronger start-up and discharging in a minute, which ensures accelerated start-up.” As checking data shows, common engine could make 70 to 80db noise during start-up of driving. Due to equipment of electromotor, noise of pure electric urban bus is lower 10 to 20db.
Each range is 20km at least
Of full-load body, comfortable design and long range, this bus can achieve 20km at least once charged. The maximum speed is 58km/h, which is suitable for urban public transport. With no pollution or emission, this new power urban bus only consumes 1 to 1.3kW per hour per 100km. Its fuel price per 100km is lower than diesel.
Since getting popular in Hong Kong market, Youngman Group distributed their buses into HK public transportation pilots and gained a quite good result after 6-month operation.
Recently, Youngman Group again got the latest order of Kowloon Bus Public Transportation, which would help promote this kind of bus in Hong Kong.
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