60 King Long Buses Arrive in La Paz, Bolivia
2014-01-14 Source: www.chinabuses.org
Summarize:Departing from Xiamen Port, 60 King Long buses reached La Paz, capital of Bolivia in South America. These King Long buses would be into operation on three public transportation routes after February of 2014. Then, citizens of La Paz would feel the comfortable experience offered by scientific and technological King Long for the first time.
www.chinabuses.org: Departing from Xiamen Port, 60 King Long buses arrived in La Paz, capital of Bolivia in South America. These King Long buses would be into operation on three public transportation routes after February of 2014. Then, citizens of La Paz would feel the comfortable experience offered by scientific and technological King Long for the first time.

Mayor of La Paz takes over the symbolized key (the third at the left)
On Jan. 5th of 2014, municipal government and King Long held a delivery ceremony in the downtown of La Paz, where Luis, mayor of La Paz, Gustavo, mayor advisor, Liu Rutao, Commercial Counselor of China Embassy in Bolivia, Ernesto, dealer representative of King Long in Bolivia, representative of King Long, local media reporters and citizens were all present to witness the delivery.
Since 8:00am L.T., 60 King Long buses began their tour within 6 districts in 6 different groups arousing people’s cheer and beautiful garland. After tour, these buses arrived at downtown of La Paz one by one. At 13:00pm, delivery ceremony was officially held, where Luis, mayor of La Paz, gave a speech after Gustavo, Liu Rutao and Ernesto. In his statement, Luis expressed his gratefulness to King Long for its help in improving urban public transportation and city management level. La Paz held a global bidding for buses for public transportation reform. And King Long won the bidding out of global leading bus brands. Due to local operational situation and condition, King Long did special design and improvements of bus to adapt to local condition with excellent quality and performance.
After statement by mayor of La Paz, Ma Aimin, GM of King Long Overseas Marketing Department and Ernesto gave symbolized key to Luis, followed by Chinese traditional Lion Dancing performance.

Citizens of La Paz take a ride on King Long bus
Ma Aimin said, “The whole delivery ceremony is organized well by municipal government with wide promotion. More than 20 local TV and media gave reports about this delivery ceremony. Before the ceremony, La Paz government especially organized an experience activity for citizens where one hemiplegic child get on the bus through lift table of the disabled. Many local citizens told me that they would like to see these buses into real operation as soon as possible and expect more King Long buses in La Paz.” Ma Aimin felt the warm welcome and expectation about King Long bus completely.
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