Bus Market Slows Growth Rate in 2013
2014-02-08 Source: www.chinabuses.org
Summarize:Instead of the whole rising trend, bus market slows the entire condition even within commercial vehicle field. In 2013, bus market performed badly, even lower than average growth rate (which is 6.4%) of commercial vehicle industry. Decrease rate of 0.61% is almost the same as the sales volume of 2012. And part of bus segments decrease more obviously.
www.chinabuses.org: Would bus market continue the rising trend of the whole automobile market in 2013?
Unfortunately the answer is no.

Instead of the whole rising trend, bus market slows the entire condition even within commercial vehicle field. In 2013, bus market performed badly, even lower than average growth rate (which is 6.4%) of commercial vehicle industry. Decrease rate of 0.61% is almost the same as the sales volume of 2012. And part of bus segments decrease more obviously.
Coach continues to decrease especially large coach
According to data of 50 enterprises, accumulative sales volume of coaches is only 142,001 units in 2013, which decreases 8.8%. But sales volume of the first half year is 67,643 units, which only decreases 4.69%. Thus, we can see that decrease trend of coach market is getting worse and worse.
Industrial experts said, “In 2013, coach market decreases for the first time in recent five years.” In spite of the serious decrease, coach market contracts 5% than 2012 in its percentage. However, coach market remains more than 50% of bus market.
Based on data of different vehicle models, large coach is the worst. Sales volumes of large coach, medium coach and light coach are respectively 36,883, 41,817 and 34,287 units, decreasing 11.9%, 7.2% and 2.6%. Therefore, large coach is the key reason of the decrease of coach market in 2013.

The best part of bus industry is bus market in 2013, growth of which is 13.6%. Accumulative sales volume of bus market in 2013 is 79,984 units, increasing 9,601 units than 70,383 units of 2012.
Light bus is the best among all different buses as for their market performance, followed by large bus. In 2013, sales volumes of large bus, medium bus and light bus are respectively 47,396, 27,244 and 5,343 units, increasing 17.4%, 5.2% and 35.82%.

School bus lacks increasing power and minimization becomes obvious
In the beginning of 2013, lots of school bus manufacturers thought that school bus market should increase 20%-25% without any beneficial policies. However, school bus market disappointed people in 2013. Annual sales volume is only 28,429 units, just increasing 4.8%.
As for market share, school bus takes up 11.2% in bus market in 2013, only increasing 0.6% than 10.6% of 2012. This shows us that school bus takes up small market share and there is a long way to go for school bus market.
Minimization of school bus becomes obvious. Sales volumes of large school bus, medium school bus and light school bus are 1,455, 9,736 and 14,386 units, increasing -39.4%, -24.3% and 37.8%. Sales volume of mini school bus (L<5m) is 2,852 units, increasing 100% than last year.

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