Fast 5DS Gear Successfully Put into Operation on 12-Meter City Bus
2014-07-23 Source:Fast 5DS Gear
Summarize:Recently, dozens of city buses equipped with Fast 5DS series bus speed gear were put into official operation in Baoji Public Transport Company. It is also revealed that 22 units 12-meter buses are also equipped with Fast 5DS series bus speed gear, making them the first batch mounted with the gear transmission. Recently, dozens of city buses equipped with Fast 5DS series bus speed gear were put into official operation in Baoji Public Transport Company. It is also revealed that 22 units 12-meter buses are also equipped with Fast 5DS series bus speed gear, making them the first batch mounted with the gear transmission.
According to sources, with their engines mounted in front, the 12-meter city buses are equipped with 5DS70TA speed gears independently developed by Fast. The rest of city buses are also mounted with Fast 5DS60TA speed gears. To date, several hundreds of buses equipped with Fast DS series speed gears have been in smooth operation in Baoji City. Thanks to their excellent performance, Fast has won great recognition from both officials and drivers from the city's public transport company.
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