Golden Dragon Boosts its Competitiveness of New Energy Bus
Summarize:In response to the development opportunities, Xiamen-based Golden Dragon has been working continuously and whole-heartedly on conquering the technical problems of new energy buses. Recently, the state council and various ministries have promulgated a series of incentives to encourage the development of new energy vehicles. It is forecast by some experts that in later half of 2014, China's new energy vehicle market, especially the new energy bus market in particular, will witness even faster growth.

In response to the development opportunities, Xiamen-based Golden Dragon has been working continuously and whole-heartedly on conquering the technical problems of new energy buses. So far, the company has developed super capacitor energy storage technology, which effectively overcomes the weaknesses of the previous generation of eco-friendly vehicles. With the introduction of the new technology, Golden Dragon buses are capable of achieving even higher fuel economy and stronger power than some internationally famed brands, paving the way for their smooth introduction into the market.
In addition, according to Lin Yibei, Director of R&D Dept. of Golden Dragon, Golden Dragon Xingxing clutch boasts a life expectancy of eight years and smaller size compared with the other ones, which has further optimized the coaxial driving mode of engine and driving motor.
Compared with ISG system, parallel system with EMT (AMT) is less efficient in fuel economy. To make this up, Golden Dragon EMT parallel system adopts double power driving motor technology, providing two power sources from super capacitor and lithium batteries. In doing so, the system reaches higher fuel effiency.
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