Foton & King Long with Microvast Jointly Service APEC
Summarize:On October 30, fast-charging station has been officially put into use through which shuttle buses with 450KW batteries can be charged within 15 minutes. 17 units of electric buses will shuttle from terminal stations 24 hours a day contributing a range of 22km. On October 30, fast-charging station has been officially put into use through which shuttle buses with 450KW batteries can be charged within 15 minutes. 17 units of electric buses will shuttle from terminal stations 24 hours a day contributing a range of 22km.

Due to the demand of uninterrupted operation for 24 hours a day, fast-charging becomes the only technical route that can maintain smooth operation. The Microvast second generation LpCO multiple composite lithium fast-charging battery featuring of charing within 15 minutes and long service life is the key line in the technical route.

The 17 fast-charging electric shuttle buses are from Foton and Golden Dragon which will be put into use at APEC.

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