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A Proposal on Zero-emission Public Transport Published in Zhuzhou

2014-12-03    Source:www.chinabuses.org
Summarize:On Dec. 1, A Forum on Application and Promotion of New Energy Vehicles, which was co-organized by Electric Vehicle Association and Urban Passenger Transport Branch of Road Transport Association, was held in Zhuzhou, Hunan. All participants paid a special visit to the assembly lines in CSR Times Electric for the production of the electric drivelines and whole body vehicles. Also at the forum, a proposal on zero-emission public transport was officially published by Shen Yuxiang, President of CSR Times Electric.

www.chinabuses.org: On Dec. 1, A Forum on Application and Promotion of New Energy Vehicles, which was co-organized by Electric Vehicle Association and Urban Passenger Transport Branch of Road Transport Association, was held in Zhuzhou, Hunan. All participants paid a special visit to the assembly lines in CSR Times Electric for the production of the electric drivelines and whole body vehicles. Also at the forum, a proposal on zero-emission public transport was officially published by Shen Yuxiang, President of CSR Times Electric.


As an active proponent for the zero-emission public transport, CSR Times Electric has made the following proposals for all counterparts involved in this promising field.

1.We all must bear in mind that we now live in an era when the energy crisis and environmental problems are pressing issues. While making the public become more aware of the imminent energy and climate problems, we must constantly seek every possible means to protect our mother earth. The initiative for zero-emission public transport seems to provide the optimal solutions for cutting fossil energy consumption and reducing carbon emissions.

2.Zero-emission public transport must and should be set as an important mission for us to accomplish while developing more eco-friendly public transport in the future. Those zero-emission buses have certainly laid a solid foundation for green public transport in the future. Through the cut-throat competition in the current market, those highly reliable and economic technologies in the new energy field must be fully recognized and honored so as to initiate the best solutions for public transport in the future.

3.Manufacturers of electric drivelines, batteries and electric control systems are called for to spare no efforts while developing the electric powered drivelines for public transport systems.

4.Bus makers should make full use of overall technological advantages and strengthen their new energy technologies in order to roll out highly reliable zero-emission buses which are way superior to the traditional buses.

5.Those enterprises involved in operating and managing public transport should also play a more active role by encouraging and introducing the application of zero-emission vehicles.

6.The public media can also play a constructive role by educating the general public about the eco-friendly vehicles and raising people’s awareness of environmental protection so as to pave the way for them to take actions for green traveling.

7.Enterprises in various fields should fully utilize the favorable policies and financial assistance for the development and upgrading of new energy technologies.

8.Vicious competition should be avoided and the progress of the state-of-art technologies in the new energy field should not be made by cutting costs and sacrificing qualities.

9.More efforts should be made to attract more public investments as well as talents to join the cause for the development of zero-emission technologies and new energy vehicles.


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