Changyun Group Will Introduce 70 Sets Of Pure Electric Buses
Summarize:On December 16th the reporter learns that, Changyun Group will introduce 70 sets of pure electric buses, and charging station is in the planning and construction. On December 16th the reporter learns that, Changyun Group will introduce 70 sets of pure electric buses, and charging station is in the planning and construction.
As it is known that, this kind of pure electric bus can finish charging in 2 hours, can last for 160 km. At present, the north square charging stations (pile group), Wujin bus charging stations (pile group) is under construction, scheduled to be completed by the end of this month. In future, to satisfy the operation of pure electric vehicle charging demand at the same time can meet the demand of related social operating pure electric bus charging.
Reporter also learned that Changyun Group after the introduction of 70 sets of pure electric buses, will eliminate dozens of buses which below standard emissions.
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