Allison Transmission Announces New 9832 Oil Field Series Model with More Horsepower for Pressure Pum
Summarize:Allison Transmission Holdings Inc. (NYSE: ALSN) today announced its new 9832 Oil Field Series? model with 3200 horsepower (2386 kilowatts) for pressure pumping in tough environments. The announcement was made at the 15th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE) in Beijing. Allison Transmission Holdings Inc. (NYSE: ALSN) today announced its new 9832 Oil Field Series™ model with 3200 horsepower (2386 kilowatts) for pressure pumping in tough environments. The announcement was made at the 15th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE) in Beijing.

“The 9832 OFS was specifically built to deliver continuous torque and maximum horsepower for pressure pumping in the most difficult terrain,” said Chris E. Vargo, managing director of global off-highway marketing, sales and service for Allison Transmission. “Additionally, it weighs up to 44 percent lighter than its competition to provide a ‘best in class’ power-to-weight ratio.”

In recent years, the energy industry has shifted toward a need for higher horsepower in locations like China where shale oil and gas deposits are at deeper levels and require more pressure for extraction. Additionally, poor road conditions and mountainous terrain in these same areas frequently limit the size and amount of equipment that can be transported to a work site. Allison’s 9832 OFS solves those problems.

“With the addition of the 9832 OFS, Allison is now the only company to offer a complete line of reliable, fully automatic transmissions for a wide range of oil field applications,” said Vargo. “Whether drilling, pressure pumping or servicing wells, we’ve got a model with the right amount of power to get the job done.”
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