Again Double Victory for ZF at "Best Commercial Vehicles – Best Brands 2015" Readers' Choice
Summarize:Advanced ZF commercial vehicle products reliably live up to their role as favorites both in the tough everyday transportation business and at the annual ETM readers' choice. In 2015, the readers' choice brought another double victory for the technology company: Advanced ZF commercial vehicle products reliably live up to their role as favorites both in the tough everyday transportation business and at the annual ETM readers' choice. In 2015, the readers' choice brought another double victory for the technology company: ZF won in the two competition categories "Commercial Vehicle Transmission" and "Retarder". The decisive factors for the continuous high popularity with the readers are mainly the components' and systems' excellent quality, performance, and cost-effectiveness.

The expert readers of the renowned magazines published by ETM "lastauto omnibus", "trans aktuell", and "Fernfahrer" considered ZF to be excellent in two categories also in 2015. ZF won the "Best Commercial Vehicles – Best Brands" readers' choice that was supervised by a notary with approximately 56 percent of all votes in the "Commercial Vehicle Transmission" category and impressed with a record overall score: No other company has been at the top more often than ZF since that competition category was originally introduced 11 years ago. This is mainly due to the high standards of the continuously advanced driveline technology. This is proven, for example, by the most successful automatic transmission system for commercial vehicles worldwide, the AS Tronic, more than one million units of which have rolled off the assembly line since 1997, and which is available today in numerous variants for almost every application. The 6-speed automatic transmission for city buses, ZF-EcoLife, which is as comfortable as it is efficient has a similarly high rank: It has convinced transport operators around the globe for many years.

The readers' choice category "Retarder" held no surprises either as the ZF-Intarder won the first prize yet again. This almost wear-free hydrodynamic auxiliary brake makes transport safer and more economical at the same time.

"To be successful on a continuing basis also means that both the company and our products have to improve continuously and meet ZF's self-understanding of being an innovator both with regards to mechanics and electronics", explains Winfried Gründler, who is responsible for Truck & Van Driveline Technology in the Commercial Vehicle Technology division, at the award ceremony in Stuttgart on June 11, 2015."For that reason, I see ZF's success in the readers' choice as a worthwhile acknowledgement of our work; it shows that manufacturers, fleet operators, and drivers strongly value the quality and the properties of our products". ZF technologies were the readers' absolute favorites particularly because of their reliability and cost-effectiveness.
And with completely new and in many ways unique products, the technology company is already suggesting that it would like to remain the ETM serial winner also in the years to come.
ZF-TraXon for heavy trucks: It is based on a basic transmission that, depending on customer requests, can be modularly combined with five different drive elements. This means that it opens up completely new possibilities making everything from the dual clutch to hybrid applications feasible.
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