Solaris Urbino is Bus of the Year 2017
2016-09-22 The Solaris Urbino has been named bus of the year 2017. It is the first title of this kind awarded to a Polish manufacturer, and at the same time it is the first time in the history of the competition that the award goes to a battery-driven vehicle. This year’s competition for bus of the year was held in Brussels. Ebusco, Irizar, Van Hool, Solaris and Mercedes competed for the ultimate prize. The first four producers entered the contest with electric buses, while Mercedes chose a natural gas (CNG) fuelled vehicle.

The new Solaris Urbino 12 electric, which was evaluated by a jury of editors from 20 countries, has been equipped with 240 kWh batteries. Two charging systems have been installed in the bus: one using a pantograph, for charging during stopovers at bus stops, the other one using a plug-in for charging in the bus depot. During the competition in Brussels the battery-powered Solaris was charged by way of a new-generation charger with a power output of 80 kW, designed and produced by Ekoenergetyka-Polska. The mobile charger of the plug-in type was connected to a post with a pantograph specially devised for this purpose. Thanks to this solution the driving range of the electric Urbino is practically unlimited.
The Bus of The Year contest for the best city bus has been organised since 1989. The winning vehicle receives the title of best bus for the whole next year, in the case of the current edition this would be the year 2017. The official “Bus of the Year 2017” prize awarding ceremony will take place during the IAA fair in Hannover, scheduled for September 2016.
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