Foton AUV HC Series Vehicles on Tour in Sichuan and Chongqing
Summarize:On July 2, Foton AUV HC series vehicles completed their tour in Sichuan and Chongqing HC8L and HC9, with their uniquely attractive design, impressively powerful performances, upgraded interior and more travel comforts, have aroused keen interest among local customers
On July 2, Foton AUV HC series vehicles completed their tour in Sichuan and Chongqing. HC8L and HC9, with their uniquely attractive design, impressively powerful performances, upgraded interior and more travel comforts, have aroused keen interest among local customers.
Adopting monocoque sealed body structure, Foton AUV HC series vehicles are equipped with EPB, which greatly improves the vehicles’ maneuverability. With more ergonomically designed seats for passengers and vibration buffering seats for drivers, Foton AUV HC series vehicles offer more travel comforts.

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